LotAtc is a complete simulation environment with client + server software which can connect with DCS World Simulator or work standalone with LotAtc Generator. It provides users to get an ATC/GCI view of the battle. Play the role of a tactical or air traffic controller and provide help to human pilots so that they better accomplish their missions, by radioing them a picture or guidance instructions!
Try it by downloading the free demo and join the LotAtc community with more than 5000 users! You have a problem, an idea, a suggestion? Contact me (DArt)!
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Get current stable version: 2.5
Client runs indepently of DCS
No need of DCS to run the client, just connect ! How to connect…
Instructor tools
Create/Delete/Modify any unit dynamically during mission with Instructor tools
Advanced realist radar coverage
LotAtc simulates radar coverage with advanced concepts like relief, elevation limit, speed… More…
Configure maps as you want
Choose to display rivers, towns, roads, drawings, set all colors and make your map as you like More…
Airports views
LotAtc extracts from DCS and shows all runways, displays TACAN, ILS, frequencies. Airport radar approach is part the radar coverage.
Help pilots to land
LotAtc provides glide view for approach, help pilot to land in very bad conditions… More…
Communicate by chat and shared draw
Communicate by chat with DCS pilots/controllers and shared drawings with your side controllers How to draw…
Help pilots with BRAA
You can give interception course and Bearing Range Altitude Aspect data More…
Integration with UniversRadio and SRS
Talk with others controllers or pilots by using UniversRadio or SRS that simulate real radio coverage
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Last articles:
LotAtc Server Performances
Deep in LotAtc Server perfomances Read more…
Show case - French Navy Simulator
How LotAtc helps French Navy to train GCI Read more…
Squadrons using LotAtc
If your want to add your squadrons here, let me know .